
Dinidu P. Endaragalle is a socio-economist, a consultant for development, and an expert on monitoring and evaluating.

He began his career as a project coordinator at the Society for Development and Conflict Transformation (SPDECT) in 2003.  There he undertook the responsibility of implementing a GTZ funded human security program for the prevention of ethno-political riots that were taking place in Sri Lanka at the time. Over the years, Mr. Endaragalle has held varying posts such as lead consultant, socio economic expert, economist, technical adviser, and program director for a number of well reputed organizations, working on leading socio-economic issues related to various local and global contexts. He has participated in training programs conducted by the Rural Micro Enterprises Promotion Program (RuMEPP) and the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) in Mindanao, the Philippines, on a “field exposure training program in micro enterprise development.”

He has also participated in conflict resolution and transformation programs over the years. He participated in a Church World Services (CWS) study mission in 2008 on poverty reduction, environmental management, health and education, and the promotion of earthquake-stricken rural communities in Pakistan’s NWFP.

He has a Masters in Economics from the University of Colombo and a specialized Bachelors in Development Economics from the University of Peradeniya.

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