'Touch Me Not' Awareness Campaign

'Touch Me Not' Awareness Campaign

Launched on 17th August 2024, the campaign was unveiled during a significant event at the Madampe Cooperative Theatre, where over 400 parents participated. The morning session for parents was done in collaboration with the Madampe Pradeshiya Sabha and Power of Play. The launch of the 'Touch Me Not' campaign was done before the program for parents wrapped up. The start of the day included a comprehensive awareness program designed to educate parents about the dangers of child abuse in all its forms—physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect. Our project and program officers led an insightful session that shed light on these critical issues, proving to be an eye-opener for the attendees.

Following this, Power of Play artists used puppetry to creatively demonstrate positive parenting techniques, highlighting how stress and trauma can impact a child’s brain and behaviour. These segments then wrapped up with the launch of 'Touch Me Not'. As the campaign progresses, we are committed to keeping the conversation alive through ongoing social media efforts. We are collaborating with celebrities, influencers, and experts who will share their insights, experiences, and advice using the hashtag #touchmenot. These efforts aim to build a sustained narrative around the issue of child abuse and underage pregnancies, affecting children of all genders.

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